本文對跳階性的異步計數器提供一套系統性的解決方法(如:是否存在,設計方法及測試以及使用最少邏輯閘等)。尤其採用列表法(QUINE-MCCLUSKEY METHOD)來設計,大大地突破計數器位元數的限制,也解決了筆者在(勤益學報)第十期曾發表的”異步計數器的設計兼論IC-SN7490邏輯設計之缺點與改良方法”所留下的難題。 This article offers a set of systematical solution for asynchronous counter, such as the posobility of exis-tence, the method of design, test, and using minimum of gat number. Especially taking Quine-Mccluskey Method to design greatly overcomes the limit of bits of counter and solves the problems of “the design of asynchronous counter and discussing the defects and improvement methods of the logic design of IC-SN7490” published on Chin-Yi journal.