This article simply indicates how I, the writer, begin my teaching job, why I did regard then and still do regard my job as my lifetime career now, what attitude I have been entertaining toward my sacred teaching work. To begin with, the fact admits of no doubt heredity and environment greatly determine a person's character and career. I think my own father's further studying abroad at Harvard University and having been ambassadored to Canada must have had much to do with my own inclination to English learning. My kid brother's mental disease shadowed my inspiration for medical research and then under this circumstance, I accordingly changed my mind to study English in my college days. I began to be caught up in pursuit of the knowledge of the English language. English teaching is not only a kind of occupation but a mission demanding absolute responsibility combined with far-reaching conscience. It's true that teaching is learning at the same time. While teaching my own students, I have found it reasonable to teach them according to their abilities. I do my teaching work both by encouragement and through milk reproaches. My aspiration for teaching English is not short-lived but ever lasting. I ended my article with complicated feelings because of my senility. I am still carrying on my teaching work with the skill and patience as all the other English teachers do. Of course, I teach the English language according to every accepted method.