研究航海儀器與電腦系統的新結合。本文主要討論羅遠(LORAN)衛星導航(THE NAVY NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM)等接收機之功能及精確度,並將接收之訊號產生定位,輸出經度(LONGITUDE)緯度(LATITUDE),經由介面輸入電腦。應用電腦之繪圖弁遄A將所航行的路徑繪成航跡,顯示於螢光幕上,並可利用列表機列印出來,以利日後參考和存證,以取代傳統的航海日誌的虛實爭論。經由理論及實驗之結果,證實其具有相當多的優點:(1)減少海事糾紛,(2)可獲得更多的魚獲量,(3)可做航行及巡邏記錄用,(4)避免海難重演,(5)具有精確及公證力,可信度極高。
An method of digitizing the signal of LORAN and the Navy Navigation Satellite System with Combination of navigation equipment and computer system is proposed to computer from I/O interface. Then, the path of navigation is displayed on monitor or printed to printer with graphic functions. These data can replace the tranditional navigation note as the further reference and confirmation, From the theoretic and experimental confirmation, the advantages of our system are:
(1) decreasing the conflict of navigation
(2) increasing the fish getting
(3) Being used as the record of navigation
(4) Decreasing the tragedy of navigation
(5) Increasing the precision and reliability